Spiritual Growth

Spiritual growth is vital to recovery and is one of the goals of the 12 Steps as well as one of the pillars of recovery.  The 12 Steps offer a spiritual solution sufficient for a changed lifestyle of continuous recovery.  Spiritual growth is not always equivalent to being more religious; in fact, often the contrary is found to be true.

There is no official and exact definition of spiritual growth. We define the term spiritual growth to be a path to develop higher awareness or to develop higher consciousness.

Spiritual growth is about finding ones true self and in doing so, we are able to see what faults and defects we have and reveal true pain that our addiction was trying to help give us relief from.

It is a pursuit of peace, love and understanding. Many people want you to believe that the secret to spiritual growth and development can be found in a book, a lecture or some other product that will magically unlock the doors to happiness. But the truth about spiritual growth is that it comes from within. It is all about you and the way that you view the world.  Can books, a lecture or other product help you on this journey?  Of course they can, but each person’s journey is unique to them and no one person’s spiritual growth should be compared to another’s.  One person is not right and another wrong, your spiritual growth is yours and yours alone.
